ประเภทธุรกิจ เคมี พลาสติก และที่เกี่ยวข้อง
| ปีที่ก่อตั้ง -
| จำนวนพนักงาน - คน
SumiRiko Fine Elastomer (Thailand) Ltd. was established at the International Polymer Park in the Rayong province with a total investment of Bt 102 million, to produce precision function parts for automobiles, various resin hoses and other new products being developed for the near future. Automotive product development at SRK-FT.

Establishment of SRK-FT was accomplished with the kind assistance and support of the Government of the Kingdom of Thailand, The Board of Investment, shareholders, customers and subcontractors. With abundant experience gained over many years,
Sumitomo Riko Company Limited., Japan, the majority shareholder, has added its specialized technology to the automotive product development at SRK-FT.

We are seeking professional and competent candidates in the following position.
111/3, 111/4 หมู่ 5 ตำบลมะขามคู่ อำเภอนิคมพัฒนา จังหวัดระยอง 21180
Khun Panattaporn 038-949-356
ประเภทธุรกิจ เคมี พลาสติก และที่เกี่ยวข้อง
ปีที่ก่อตั้ง -
จำนวนพนักงาน - คน
SumiRiko Fine Elastomer (Thailand) Ltd. was established at the International Polymer Park in the Rayong province with a total investment of Bt 102 million, to produce precision function parts for automobiles, various resin hoses and other new products being developed for the near future. Automotive product development at SRK-FT.

Establishment of SRK-FT was accomplished with the kind assistance and support of the Government of the Kingdom of Thailand, The Board of Investment, shareholders, customers and subcontractors. With abundant experience gained over many years,
Sumitomo Riko Company Limited., Japan, the majority shareholder, has added its specialized technology to the automotive product development at SRK-FT.

We are seeking professional and competent candidates in the following position.
111/3, 111/4 หมู่ 5 ตำบลมะขามคู่ อำเภอนิคมพัฒนา จังหวัดระยอง 21180
Khun Panattaporn